Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2 Month Check-up

Ashlyn just had her 2 month check-up yesterday which went really well except for the shots. I think it was harder for me than it was for her. She did pretty well though. She screamed her lungs out for a couple minutes after they gave her the shot and I about started crying myself :( After we gave her some tylenol and got her dressed she calmed down and finally fell asleep once she got settled in her car seat. She was pretty fussy that evening, but tylenol and some cuddling seemed to do the trick.

She weighs 8lbs 12oz and is 20.5 inches long. She is in the 5th percentile for weight and 3rd percentile for height. I think it is pretty safe to say we aren't going to have a basketball star on our hands. Maybe soccer or gymnastics :) She did gain 3 pounds since her 2 week visit so she is growing really well and she is already holding her head up and can roll over on to her side. She can't get all the way over yet, but I have a feeling that isn't too far away. She continues to amaze me every day and we are so thankful we have been blessed with such a beautiful little girl. I'm even more thankful she is almost sleeping through the night. I only have to get up once to feed her now between 4 and 5AM so I am much more rested these days. Here are some pictures I've taken over the last week.


The McGovern Family said...

wow...isn't it hard to believe she is already 2 months old? I can hardly believe how fast time flies! Looks like Aarron is a pretty proud daddy in that picture...cute! Ashlyn is adorable! thanks for sharing!

Shannon said...

Awh! They grow so fast don't they!

MamaQ said...

Awww...She's just so cute Becky. Pipes & I need to come down for a visit soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow..she sure has grown. But she is just a tiny little thing. My youngest Natalie was never that small. She was 2 weeks early and she was 9lbs 6 oz. and 23 1/2 inches. She was quite the wopper!
And I have quite the streatch marks to prove it! Still to this day I am happy she was a planned c-section! HaHa!